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Lab 9 - Nutanix Kubernetes Engine - NKE

Nutanix Cloud Native is a collection of Nutanix Products that fit well in the cloud native space. Nutanix cloud native delivers reliable, automated, secure, and efficient services for developers on the private cloud and is powered by the leading hyperconverged platform, Nutanix Acropolis.

Bringing open source tooling and automation experience to the private cloud is more complex than simply deploying the same open source tools—it requires a high degree of expertise, labor, and automation. Using Nutanix cloud native, developers can take advantage of on-prem reliable tooling and automation required for the development and management of scale-out applications.

What product does Nutanix cloud native include?

  • Nutanix NKE: Turnkey curated and enterprise-grade, NKE simplifies the provisioning, operations, and lifecycle management of Kubernetes.
  • Nutanix Calm: Application Automation including Kubenetes workloads.
  • Integrated Persistent Storage via Nutanix Volumes & Nutanix Files by leveraging the Nutanix.
  • Nutanix Objects: Simple, secure, and scale-out Object storage for cloud native applications with Nutanix Objects™.
  • Nutanix Era: DBaaS solution that automates and streamlines database management.

In this introductary lab, we will focus on Nutanix Kubernetes Engine where you will be provisioning NKE with with Nutanix Calm. You will experience the ease of deploying Kubernetes with persistent storage through Nutanix Container Services (CSI). Experience managing of K8s clusters with native kubectl tool, and how seamingless the adoption of Kubernetes technology can be with Nutanix. You will be able to deploy

Provisioning NKE

The objective for this blueprint is to provision both the NKE clusters and the kubectl client. The user can also download the latest kubeconfig. There are 3 available application profiles to deploy NKE clusters, and there are:

  • Single Master
  • ActivePassive Master
  • Active Active Master
  1. In Prism Central, Services > Calm > Blueprint.


    There is already a pre-seeded blueprint known as DeployNKE. Please duplicate the original blueprint and rename it as DeployNKE 01, 02, 03 etc as according to your assigned user. You should work on your blueprint for the rest of this lab.

  2. Click on your own blueprint. e.g. Deploy NKE01, 02, 03 etc

  3. Click onto Credentials In each of these credentials, fill out the following:

    • PE_Creds - Username: admin; Password: your_assigned_cluster_password

    • PC_Creds - Username: admin; Password: your_assigned_cluster_password

    • CENTOS - SSH Private Key


      Copy and paste it into SSH Private Key.

    • Centos 2 Credential : username: centos; password: nutanix/4u

    • PE_SC_Creds : - Username: admin; Password: your_assigned_cluster_password

    • CalmVM_Cred : see PC_Creds

  4. Click Save and Back.

Karbon - Service Name

  1. Under VM section, please fill out the missing information:

    • Cluster: your_assigned_cluster_password
    • VM Configuration:
      • VM Name: _your_initial_NKE@@{calm_array_index}@@
    • Disks
      • Image: GenericCentos7
    • Network Adaptors (NICs)
      • Primary
    • Check log-in upon create - check the tick box
      • Credential: CENTOS
  2. Click Save

Single Master Configuration

  1. Click on Application Profiles > Single Master.

  2. On the Variables field on the right, scroll to the bottom of the list and changes these variables according to you assigned environment.

    • CalmVM_IP: Please use the same IP address of your Prism Central
    • PC_IP: IP Address of Prism Central
    • PE_IP: IP Address of Prism Element
    • No_Worker_Node: key in the number of nodes. Default is 1.
    • Repeat the above steps for Profiles:
      • Active-Passive Master
      • Active-Active Profile
  3. Click Save

Single Master Configuration - "Add Worker Node" Action Variable

  1. Click on Application Profiles > Single Master > Add Worker Node

  2. On the right side of the window, under Variables > node_pool_name, expand the setting.

  3. Scroll down to the Script session and amend the pc_pass based on your own assigned cluster.


    Under normal circumstances, you should not be performing these steps but unfortunately at the time of writing, there is found to be a bug which affects the dunamic variable in scripts. This will be resolved in the next release of Calm.

  4. Repeat step 1 to 3 for "Delete Worker Node".

  5. Repeat step 1 to 3 for "Delete Node Pool".

  6. Click on Single Master > Application Profiles. Make the same changes under:

    • Storage Container dynamic variable

    • network_name dynamic variable

    • image_name dynamic variable

  7. Click Save, to update the latest changes in the blueprint.

  8. Repeat steps 1-7 for Active Passive Master and Active Active Master

Launching the Blueprint

Before you launch the blueprint, please ensure that the blueprint is free of errors, indicated by a red exclaimation mark. You can safely ignore any warnings if any...

Create Single Master Node with Flannel CNI

  1. Click on Launch and fill out the fields below:

    • Application Name: you_inital-SM_Flannel
    • Profile: Single Master
    • Please key in the Kubernetes CLuster Name: _your_inital-mo-flannel
    • Please select the Kubernetes version:
    • Please select the Kubernetes Node Network: Flannel
    • Please select the Storage Container in the Cluster: Default
    • Please select the network: Primary
    • Please select the Image Name: ntnx-1.4
    • Select the File System for the Storage Class: ext4
    • Number of Worker Node: 3
    • Worker Node Disk Size (Gb): 120
    • Worker Node Memory (Gb): 8
    • Please key in the Worker Node CPU: 4
    • calico_cidr: leave as default.
  2. Click Deploy. The blueprint will take around 10 mins to complete.

  3. Congratulations on another successfully deployment!

Setting Up Kubectl tool

In-order to access and manage a Kubernetes cluster, as a best practice, you should never access the master node (control pane) directly. Instead, you should setup a DevStation - see Appendix or in this setup, access your Kubernetes cluster with kubectl tools installed in this Karbon node.

  1. Click on Services tab, click on the Karbon machine. You should see a banner on the right.

    • Click Open Terminal
    • click Proceed to accept the default CENTOS credential.
  2. A new web terminal will open, execute the following on the terminal window:

    • type: sudo passwd
    • change the password to "nutanix/4u".
    • this will initialize root and all it's authentication token.
  3. Type the following in the Terminal.

    • Type: ls -l


      There should be a kubectl configuration file.

    • Type: KUBECONFIG=/home/centos/<your_cfg>.cfg

    • Type: export KUBECONFIG

    The steps above will get your kubectl tool to find and access your Kubernetes cluster.

    To verify that it is setup successfully, you should get kubtctl to return the results as below:

    • Type kubectl get nodes

    Take note of the number of nodes you have created as above.

Creating a Single Master Node with Calico CNI

  1. Click on Launch and fill out the fields below:

    • Application Name: you_inital-SM_Calico
    • Profile: Single Master
    • Please key in the Kubernetes CLuster Name: your_inital-mo-calico
    • Please select the Kubernetes version:
    • Please select the Kubernetes Node Network: Calico
    • Please select the Storage Container in the Cluster: Default
    • Please select the network: Primary
    • Please select the Image Name: ntnx-1.4
    • Select the File System for the Storage Class: ext4
    • Number of Worker Node: 3
    • Worker Node Disk Size (Gb): 120
    • Worker Node Memory (Gb): 8
    • Please key in the Worker Node CPU: 4
    • calico_cidr: leave as default.
  2. Click Deploy. The blueprint will take around 10 mins to complete.

  3. Congratulations! You have successfully deployed your 2nd Kubernetes Cluster!


You can continue to launch more Kubernetes clusters with the blueprint with both Active-Passive and Active Active Kubernetes clusters setup. This is entirely option.

Creating New Node Pool

Kubernetes runs your workload by placing containers into Pods to run on Nodes. Let's see how easy it is to scale your node pool.

You can use any of your recently deployed Kubernetes Cluster to complete the below steps.

  1. In Calm > Applications > Manage

  2. Click on the play button beside - Create New Pool Node

  3. Fill out the following fields:

    • Please key in the new Node Pool Name: worker-node-pool2
    • Please key in the number of nodes in the Node Pool:
    • Please key in the number of vCPU for the node pool:
    • Please key in the node memory in Mib:
    • Please key in the hard disk per node: 122880 The default value is 120 GB per node
  4. Click Run to deploy new worker pool node.

  5. Click on Audit.

  6. Expand Create New Pool Node, to check the deployment status.

  7. Go to Services > Kubernetes > Node Pools > Worker

  8. You should now see a newly created node pool.

Add Worker Nodes into Node Pool

Now that your worker pool has been created, it is time to add in new work nodes.

  1. In Prism Central, Calm > Application > Manage.

  2. Click Add Worker Node.

  3. Select the node pool to add the worker node(s).

  4. Add the number of worker nodes to be added into the pool. then click Run.

  5. Click on Audit, expand the action task and observe for the completion of the task.

  6. Go to Services > Kubernetes > <your_cluster>

  7. See under Worker and notice that the number of worker nodes has increases...

Remove Worker Nodes from Node Pool

Now we shall see how we can scale down the resources required in the Kubernetes Cluster.

  1. Back to your Application > Manage. Click on Delete Worker Node

    Select the same worker node pool which you deployed earlier.

  2. Select the number of worker node to delete. Then click Run.

  3. Click on Audit, expand the task, and observe until the task is completed.

  4. The worker nodes have been successfully removed.

  5. You can go back to Service > Kubernetes > Summary > Worker to observe the decrease in the worker nodes.

Remove Worker Node Pool

  1. Back to your Application > Manage. Click on Delete Node Pool

  2. Select the node pool which you wish to delete.

  3. Click on Run to execute the task.

  4. Click on Audit, expand the task, and observe until the task is completed.

  5. Congratulations!!

Key Takeaway

In order to successfully deploy a Kubernetes on a baremental server, it is a very tedious and complex task to take on. As Kubernetes is a system that requires multiple different technologies put together with each piece of its component in the right working order to complete a Kubernets management system.

With Calm as the main orchestrator of multi-clouds, deploying and managing Kubernetes becomes a fairly simple and straightforward task. With Nutanix Open APIs, Nutanix HCI and Calm pulls together to create these advantage:

  • single one click deployment of Kubernetes Clusters with NKE.
  • provides seamingless Nutanix Container Services(CSI) integration to provide persisten storage to containers.
  • Run day 2 actions such as adding, deleting worker nodes, adding and deleting worker node pool.

All these actions help to provide an abstraction between the developers and the infrastrucutre team such that each can focus on their designated task to excute them without any distractions.