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Lab 2 - Create A Single BP VM

Create a Single Blueprint VM

With Projects created in Calm, Sally is now ready to create application blueprint to solve the issues. However, before she embarks on it she wants to test out Calm's IaaS features by creating and testing it on a single blueprint VM.

Create a SingleBP in Calm

  1. Go to Prism Central -> Services -> Calm.

  2. Click on button then select Single VM Blueprint.

  3. Under Blueprint Settings, fill up the following:

    • Name: <CentOS7_your initials>
    • Project: <DMC3-POCxx_your_initials>
    • Environment: <DMC3-POCxx_your_initials>

    Click VM details to proceed to the next step.

  4. Name your blueprint with your initials e.g - <your_initials_BP>. In addition, as we are creating a CentOS machine,please ensure the displayed operating system shows "Linux". To proceed, click VM configuration.


You will also notice that there is a Clone from environment button beside Preset VM Config where you can inherit all vm settings from what you have define in your environment. In this exercise we will learn how to make further customization to it.

  1. In VM Configuration window, fill in the details of the machine you wish to deploy:

    • Cluster: <your_assigned_cluster>

    • VM Name: <yourinitial>@@{calm_int(calm_array_index) + 1}@@

    • vCPU: 4

    • Cores per vCPU: 2

    • Memory: 8

    • Under guest customization, please tick the checkbox beside Guest Customization Copy and paste the follow cloud-init script:

      - name: @@{cred_os.username}@@
      groups: sudo
      shell: /bin/bash
      sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
      - @@{cred_os.public_key}@@
    • Disks: CentOS7.qcow2

    • NICs: Primary

  2. Click Save.

  3. Click Launch to deploy the blueprint.

  4. You can check on the deployment status under the Audit tab.

  5. Once the status switches from Deployment to RUNNING. The task is completed!

  6. Congratulations you have successfully deployed your first vm!